Our Strengths

Categories: All, Trading

Our unique value proposition

A national Group focused on large-scale civil engineering
projects to improve people’s lives

  • long and successful track record dating back more than
    15 years
  • Outstanding skills in key segments.

Significant geographical diversification

A large and long-term backlog of orders

  • The Group’s size enables it to compete for the biggest
    projects in Iraq.
  • Geographical diversification across different continents and
    provinces at various stages of development.
  • Proven ability to penetrate new markets.

A high level of competitiveness

A very strong focus on market opportunities

  • The ability to compete selectively, focusing on projects with
    the best balance between available resources and
    risk/reward prole.

A history of consistently

strong and continuous growth

  • Enhanced ability to grasp national opportunities while
    managing risk presence in high-growth market of Iraq.
  • National scale that does not link the Group’s exposure to
    the economic growth of individual province or region.

Solid financial structure

Strong commitment to grow while maintaining a solid
financial structure

  • Highly liquid balance sheet
  • Low net debt/equity ratio
  • Efficient use of capital