Category Archives: Trading

Our Strengths

Our unique value proposition

A national Group focused on large-scale civil engineering
projects to improve people’s lives

  • long and successful track record dating back more than
    15 years
  • Outstanding skills in key segments.

Significant geographical diversification

A large and long-term backlog of orders

  • The Group’s size enables it to compete for the biggest
    projects in Iraq.
  • Geographical diversification across different continents and
    provinces at various stages of development.
  • Proven ability to penetrate new markets.

A high level of competitiveness

A very strong focus on market opportunities

  • The ability to compete selectively, focusing on projects with
    the best balance between available resources and
    risk/reward prole.

A history of consistently

strong and continuous growth

  • Enhanced ability to grasp national opportunities while
    managing risk presence in high-growth market of Iraq.
  • National scale that does not link the Group’s exposure to
    the economic growth of individual province or region.

Solid financial structure

Strong commitment to grow while maintaining a solid
financial structure

  • Highly liquid balance sheet
  • Low net debt/equity ratio
  • Efficient use of capital

Shared Value Approach

Working in numerous and diversified environments,
interpreting and meeting the expectations of local
institutions, clients and communities, taking account of the
different cultural histories and backgrounds of our technical
and operational counterparts around the world has fostered
a robust business culture focused on human value.

This has led us to develop a Shared Value approach that fully
integrates our corporate strategy, contributing to our
commercial success and creating:

– Economic Value:

Successfully completing infrastructure projects that meet
and exceed our clients’ expectations and ensuring a return
for investors.

– Social and Environmental Value:

Contributing to the sustainable development of countries
where we work by improving infrastructure to address
environmental challenges and supports local communities
and economies.